APSIPA Distinguished Lecturer Program
I. Objectives
The Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association (APSIPA) establishes the Distinguished Lecturer Program (DLP) to serve its communities by organizing lectures given by distinguished experts.

APSIPA distinguished lecturer program is an educational program that promotes the research and development of signal and information processing in Asia Pacific region. Particular attention is given to the specific needs of academia, and professionals in industry and government in developing countries. Lecturers will tailor their presentations to the envisioned audience.

APSIPA distinguished lecturer is an ambassador of APSIPA to promote APSIPA's image and reach out to new membership. A distinguished lecturer is also a volunteer who is willing to serve the APSIPA community. The visibility of APSIPA is expected to increase significantly as a result of the lectures.

The appointment of distinguished lecturer is an honor to recognize the technical achievement, expertise and leadership of an individual.


II. Nomination
APSIPA distinguished lecturers are distinguished experts who are willing to give lectures to achieve the objectives of the program. They are nominated by the members of the Board of Governors. Nominations will be for a 2-year term that begins on 1 January of the subsequent year. All nominations must be submitted to APSIPA Institutional Relations and Education (IRE) Board Chair by 15 December of the year preceding the appointment.

A nomination should include (i) a completed nomination form with the nominee's resume which addresses the distinguished lecturer selection criteria; (ii) a statement from the nominee expressing his/her willingness to serve as a distinguished lecturer and complete the respective duties; (iii) a biography and a digital photo for publicity purposes. The nomination should also include pointers to the candidate's web site and online video materials, which may be useful in reaching out to audience after the distinguished lecturer appointment.


III. Selection Criteria
A) Leadership and public lectures
This criterion is evidenced by keynote/plenary talks during the years preceding the nomination, or by similar distinguished lecturer appointments awarded by other reputable associations. APSIPA may appoint distinguished lecturers jointly with other associations in the related technical fields.

B) Recent publications and technical breakthroughs
Supporting documentation may include list of the candidate's recent journal papers, books, monographs with citation information.

C) Serving as ambassador
The distinguished lecturers should be committed to complete the duty of representing APSIPA at the proposed events, and participating in membership recruitment and development as part of the lecturing tours. The distinguished lecturer should put in best effort to promote APSIPA during the lecturing tours.

D) Outreach to audience
The distinguished lecturers should identify topics of lectures for the envisioned audience. This criterion is evidenced by the invitation from local hosts and the size of the expected audience.


IV. Selection and Appointment
The distinguished lecturers are selected by IRE Board which is appointed by APSIPA President. Each year, the DLP committee selects and appoints up to 10 distinguished lecturers who address well the selection criteria.

The IRE Board receives all nominations by 15 December and announces the selection in January of the subsequent year.


V. Policy and Procedure
APSIPA will announce and publicize all appointed distinguished lecturers in its website, through APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference and in its other publications. Appointed distinguished lecturers should complete at least two lectures in two different locations during the 2-year term. The IRE Board Chair will facilitate the arrangement between the local hosts and the lecturers when necessary.

The nominated distinguished lecturers are encouraged to fit their lecture schedule with other travel plans to ease travel expanses they may need to afford. However, this program is not intended to provide speakers for conferences, workshops or symposia. Local hosts are expected to make their best effort to publicize the lectures locally to attract audience, and take care of the local arrangement.

The appointed distinguished lecturers should submit a report to the IRE Board Chair after completing the lecturing tours. APSIPA will acknowledge all distinguished lecturers who have completed the lecturing tours at the plenary session of APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference with certificates and tokens of appreciation.



Please click here (PDF or Ms Word) to download the nomination form of APSIPA Distinguished Lecturer Program.

The presentation template for APSIPA Distinguished Lectures is available to download here.