Networked Computing Systems Lab.


Lab Name and Affiliation

Networked Computing Systems Lab.

GIST (Gwangju Institute of Science & Technology)

Lab Director (or Principal Investigator)

JongWon Kim

Dr. JongWon Kim received the B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Seoul National University (Seoul, Korea), in 1987, 1989 and 1994, respectively, all in Control and Instrumentation Engineering. In 1994-2001, he was a faculty member of KongJu National University (KongJu, Korea) and University of Southern California (Los Angeles, USA). From Sept. 2001, he has joined Gwangju Institute of Science & Technology (Gwangju, Korea), where he is now a full Professor. Since April 2008, he is serving as the director of GIST SCENT (Super Computing CENTer). Also, he is leading Networked Computing Systems Lab. (recently renamed from Networked Media Lab.) that focuses on Dynamic & resource-aware composition of media-centric services employing programmable/virtualized resources. His recent research interests cover topics such as software defined networking (SDN) / cloud computing (CC) for Future Internet testbed and smart media-centric services employing heterogeneous SmartX nodes. Around these topics, he has co-authored more than 300 technical publications in international/domestic journals and conferences. Finally, he has/had been involved with several working group activities related to global R&E networks and Future Internet, including the HDTV WG chair of APAN (Asia-Pacific Advance Network), the WS chair of APAN-NRW (Network Research Workshop), the testbed WG Chair of FIF (Future Internet Forum in Korea), and the steering group member of AsiaFI.

Lab Introduction

Networked Computing Systems (NetCS ) focusing on "Dynamic & Resource-aware Composition of Media-centric Services employing Programmable/Virtualized Computing/Networking Resources"

Software-Defined networking (SDN) and Cloud computing for Future Internet testbed
? Resource-aware service composition framework (i.e., modeling, monitoring, and adaptation) employing heterogeneous computing/networking resources for service-centric Future
Internet testbed.
? Dynamic provisioning for novel SDN-supported services with virtualized programmable networking resources (e.g., high-performance lambdas, opportunistic wireless cognitive/DTN
connections, ...).
? Balanced integration of computing and networking resources in heterogeneous SmartX nodes.

Smart media-centric services employing heterogeneous SmartX nodes
? Flexible lifecycle management for service composition that interacts between immersive media services and computing/networking resources.
? Centralized coordination of distributed SmartX nodes for multi-party visual sharing collaboration environment.
? Mobile & content-centric media services leveraging opportunistic P2P for the spatial-temporal domain efficiency.
? Reliable service creation with heterogeneous computing/networking for real-time/low-latency CPS (cyber physical systems) applications.

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