The Image Analysis Processing & Protection (IAPP) group (previously Image and Communication Lab - LCI) is a Research Group within the Signal Processing & Communications (SPC) laboratory of the Department of Information Engineering (DINFO) of the University of Florence, located in Via Santa Marta 3, 50139 Florence, Italy.
The research activity carried out by this group involves the analysis, the processing and the protection of multimedia signals, focusing on images and video sequences, in the framework of both Italian regional and national projects, as well as of projects funded by the European Community.
The IAPP group is also involved in the teaching activities of the Faculty of Engineering, with several courses held in the framework of the Laurea degrees on: Informatic Engineering, Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering, Information Engineering.
The IAPP group also belongs to the Research Unit of Florence of the National Inter-university Consortium for Telecommunications (CNIT).