Speech and Language Technology Program


Lab Name and Affiliation

Speech and Language Technology Program

Nanyang Technological University

Lab Director (or Principal Investigator)

Dr. Chng Eng Siong received the B.Eng (Hons) in Electrical and Electronics Engineering and the Ph.D from the University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, U.K., in 1991 and 1996, respectively. He joined NTU in 2003 as Assistant Professor and currently he is Associate Professor of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. Concurrently, he is the deputy director of Emerging Research Lab (ER Lab@SCE) in the same school.
His area of focus is in speech research and signal processing. His publications include 2 edited books and over 100 journal/conference papers. He has graduated 4 PhD students.
He has served as the publication chair for 3 international conferences (APSIPA-2010, APSIPA-2011, ISCSLP-2006), and has served as program committees, session chairs, and organizers in many technical sessions at various international conferences. He has been an associate editor for IEICE (special issue 2012), a reviewer for Speech Communications, Eupsico, IEEE Trans Man,System and Cybernectics Part B, Journal of Signal Processing System, ACM Multimedia Systems, IEEE Trans Neural Network, IEEE Trans CAS-II, and Signal Processing.
Dr Chng is the recipient of the Tan Chin Tuan fellowship (2007) to visit Tsinghua University, the JSPS travel grant award (2008) to visit Tokyo Institute of Technology, and the Merlion Singapore-France research collaboration award in 2009.

Lab Introduction

The Speech and Language Technology Program of the School of Computer Engineering, NTU was established in 2005. The focus of our research group is in the area of speech and audio research. We are currently researching in the following areas:
- Robust large vocabulary continuous speech recognition
- Speech and feature enhancement
- Speaker verification/recognition
- Speaker diariazation task
- Voice conversion (morphing)

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