Lab Name and Affiliation
Music and Audio Computing Lab
Academia Sinica
Lab Director (or Principal Investigator)
Yang, Yi-Hsuan
Yi-Hsuan Yang received the Ph.D. degree in Communication Engineering from National Taiwan University, Taiwan, in 2010. Since 2011, he has been affiliated with the Research Center for IT Innovation, Academia Sinica as a tenure-track Assistant Research Fellow. He is the leader of the Music and Audio Computing Lab in Academia Sinica. His research interests include music information retrieval, affective computing, and machine learning. He was awarded the 2011 IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) Young Author Best Paper Award, the 2012 ACM Multimedia Grand Challenge First Prize and the 2012 Academia Sinica Career Development Award. He is a co-author of the book 'Music Emotion Recognition' (CRC Press 2011) and a tutorial speaker on music affect recognition in the International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2012). His work on context-aware music recommendation was awarded the Project for Excellent Junior Research Investigators by the National Science Council of Taiwan in 2013. He will serve as a Program Co-chair of ISMIR in 2014.
Lab Introduction
The Music and Audio computing (MAC) Lab of the Academia Sinica in Taipei, part of its Research Center for Information Technology Innovation, was founded in Sept. 2011 by Dr. Yi-Hsuan Yang. The MAC Lab is dedicated to the development of multimedia systems that better understand what we hear and perceive in sounds and apply this understanding to enhance our interaction with sounds. Our goal is to carry out highly original and competitive research at the international level and transfer the technology to impact the daily life.
Our current research interests include, but are not limited to: music emotion recognition, automatic tagging, music recommendation, multi-pitch estimation, lyrics processing, auditory scene analysis, audio event detection, singer/speaker identification, audio fingerprinting, human affect detection, and user interface design for mobile devices.
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