Intelligent Systems and Signal Design Lab


Lab Name and Affiliation

Intelligent Systems and Signal Design Lab

Yuan Ze University

Lab Director (or Principal Investigator)

Ying Li received the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1994. She is a professor and the department chair of the Communications Engineering Department, Yuan Ze University. She was an associate professor in the Electrical Engineering Department, Yuan Ze University. She worked in Codex Corporations and Bellcore during two summers while in the U.S.. She was the chair of the IEEE Information Theory Society, Taipei Chapter from August, 2011 to July, 2013 and helped organized the 2012 Fall workshop and the 2013 Spring workshop on Information Theory and Communications in Taiwan, and the 2013 Joint Spring workshop on Information Theory and Communications in Hong Kong. Her professional interests include signal design and signal processing, in particular on the structure and applications of Golay complementary sequences and arrays for communications, multimedia, and signal processing for power efficiency improvements.

Lab Introduction

The Intelligent Systems and Signal Design Lab carries out research on the structure of digital sequences and develops signal processing algorithms for communications and multimedia systems. Our main focus lies on Golay complementary sequences, whose applications include synchronization, channel estimation, and peak power control in wireless communications; multiple access signaling for RF ID and ultrasound, and information hiding and retrieval for digital audio and video.

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