Wan-Chi Siu (AP(HK) PolyU 1975, MPhil CUHK 1977, PhD Imperial College 1984) joined the Hong Kong Polytechnic University as a lecturer in 1980. He has become Chair Professor in the Department of Electronic and Information Engineering since 1992, and he is also Director of the Centre for Signal Processing. Prof. Siu was Head (EIE) and subsequently Dean of Engineering Faculty between 1994 and 2002 of the same university. Professor Siu is an expert in Digital Signal Processing, specializing in fast algorithms, video coding and pattern recognition. He has published 400 research papers, over 170 of which appeared in international journals, such as IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. His works on motion estimation, transcoding and DCT algorithms are well received by academic peers with high citations, and he has an overall h-index score of 31, with a citation record of 3400 (by Google Scholar). Furthermore, many of his research works have also been ported into industrial uses for hi-tech development.
Prof. Siu an IEEE Fellow. He is also a Vice President, Chairman of Conference Board and a core member of the Board of Governors of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (2012¡V2014). He is/was guest editor, associate editor and member of editorial boards of a number of journals, including IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, and Journal of VLSI Signal Processing Systems for Signal, Image, Video Technology. He is a very popular lecturing staff member within the University, while outside the University he has been a keynote speaker of over 10 international/national conferences in the recent 10 years. He received many awards, such as the Best Paper Award (1995), Distinguished Presenter Award (1997), IEEE Third Millennium Medal (2000), Best Teacher Award (2003), Outstanding Award in Research (2003) and Honorable Mention Winner Award (2004). He is the organizer of many world-class international conferences, for example ISCAS¡¦1997 (as Technical Program Co-Chair), ICASSP¡¦2003 (as the General Chair) and ICIP¡¦2010 (as the General Chair). He is the chairman of many assessment panels and committees for professional bodies. In particular, in 1993/94, he chaired the first Engineering and Information Technology Panel of the Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) to initiate some milestone basic measures on research quality and to assess the research quality of academia in universities, which gives a long-term impact to the development of quality research in Hong Kong.