Signal and Image Processing Lab


Lab Name and Affiliation

Signal and Image Processing Lab

Tokyo Metropolitan University, 6-6 Asahigaoka, Hino-shi, Tokyo, Japan

Lab Director (or Principal Investigator)

Dr. Hitoshi Kiya is a Professor of the Department of Information and Communication Systems. He also served as the chair of the Department of Information and Communication Systems, and as an Associate Dean of the Faculty of System Design. He received his Dr. Eng. degree from Tokyo Metropolitan University in 1987.

Dr. Kiya is/was the President of the IEICE Engineering Science (ES) Society, a Vice President of the APSIPA, and the Chair of IEEE Signal Processing Society Japan Chapter. He was a Technical Program Chair of the 2012 IEEE ICASSP. He is/was also an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, and the Editor-in-Chief for the IEICE ES Society Magazine.

His research interests are in the areas of multirate signal processing and image processing including signal processing theory, image coding, and security for multimedia. In these areas, he published over 130 refereed journal papers, over 250 international conference papers, and over 10 books. He is a recipient of a number of honors including the ITE Niwa-Takayanagi Award (2012), the Telecommunications Advancement Foundation Award (2011), and the IEICE Best Paper Award (2008). He is a Fellow of the IEICE and the ITE.

Lab Introduction

The Signal and Image Processing Lab, led by Professor Hitoshi Kiya of the Graduate School of System Design at Tokyo Metropolitan University, was founded in 1993. The mission of our Lab is, first, to develop theoretical studies and practical applications in the areas of signal and image processing and communications; and second, to give students world-class engineering training. Our emphasis is on signal processing theory and methods, image and video processing, biometrics, information security, image retrieval and identification, and image coding. Hitoshi supports bridged research from several fields and institutions, both in academia and industry.

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