Kiyoshi Nishikawa received the B.E., the M.E., and the D.E. degrees in electrical engineering from Tokyo Metropolitan University in 1990, 1992 and 1996, respectively. From 1992 to 1993, he was at the Computer Systems Laboratory, Nippon Steel Corporation as a researcher. In 1993, he joined Tokyo Metropolitan University where he is currently a Associate Professor of department of Information and Communication Systems. From 2005 to 2006, he served as the secretary of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, Japan Chapter. He served as an editorial committee member of the transaction on fundamentals of IEICE. He also served as the secretary of the international conferences including, APSIPA ASC 2009, and ICASSP2013. In 2013, he served as the publication chair of the IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference held in Sendai, Japan. His research interest includes the adaptive signal processing. Dr. Nishikawa is a member of APSIPA, IEEE, and a senior member of IEICE.