Information Systems Synthesis Laboratory (Onoye Lab)


Lab Name and Affiliation

Information Systems Synthesis Laboratory (Onoye Lab)

Osaka University

Lab Director (or Principal Investigator)

Takao Onoye received B.E. and M.E. degrees in Electronic Engineering, and Dr.Eng. degree in Information Systems Engineering all from Osaka University, Japan. He joined Osaka University as a research associate in 1993, where he was promoted to a Lecturer in 1998. From 1999 to 2003 he was an Associate Professor at the Department of Communications and Computer Engineering, Kyoto University. He is presently a Professor at the Department of Information Systems Engineering, Osaka University. He also serves as an associate dean of Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, and as an adviser to the Executive Directors at Osaka University. Meanwhile, he received his doctorate in engineering at Osaka University in 1997, and was with the ICS Department, University of California, Irvine, as a visiting associate researcher in 1997 through 1998.
Along with his specialty in VLSI design methodology and SoC (Systems-on-a-Chip) implementation of media-oriented systems, he has been engaged in education and research on computer-aided design, hardware algorithm, integrated system architecture, and audio/visual signal processing. Prof. Onoye has published more than 250 research papers in the field of VLSI design and multi-media signal processing in reputed journals and proceedings of international conferences.

Lab Introduction

This laboratory mainly aims at embedded/VLSI/SoC implementation technology of media-processing systems. The lab comprises four groups, i.e. image/sound group, VLSI-CAD group, networking group, and user interface group. Details and updated information can be obtained through our website.

Lab Contact E-mail



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