Lab Name and Affiliation


Department of Electrical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

Lab Director (or Principal Investigator)

Pau-Choo (Julia) Chung (S89-M91-SM02-F08) received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Texas Tech University, USA, in 1991. She then joined the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Taiwan, in 1991 and has become a full professor in 1996. She served as the Director of Institute of Computer and Communication Engineering (2008-2011), the Vice Dean of College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2011), the Director of the Center for Research of E-life Digital Technology (2005-2008), and the Director of Electrical Laboratory (2005-2008), NCKU. She was elected Distinguished Professor of NCKU in 2005. She currently serves as Chair of Department of Electrical Engineering, NCKU. Dr. Chungs research interests include image/video analysis and pattern recognition, biosignal analysis, computer vision and computational intelligence. She applies most of her research results to healthcare and medical applications. Dr. Chung served as the program committee member in many international conferences. She was a Member on IEEE International Steering Committee, IEEE Asian Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (2006-2008), the Special Session Co-Chair of ISCAS 2009 and 2010, the Special Session Co-Chair of ICECS 2010, and the TPC of APCCAS 2010. Dr. Chung was the Chair of IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) (2004-2005), Tainan Chapter. She was the Chair of the IEEE Life Science Systems and Applications Technical Committee (2008-2009) and a member of the BioCAS Technical Committee and the Multimedia Systems & Applications Technical Committee of the CAS Society. She also serves as the Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and served as the Editor of Journal of Information Science and Engineering, the Guest Editor of Journal of High Speed Network, the Guest Editor of IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I, and the Secretary General of Biomedical Engineering Society of the Republic of China. She is one of the co-founders of Medical Image Standard Association (MISA) in Taiwan and is currently on the Board of Directors of MISA. Pau-Choo Chung is a member in BoG of CAS Society (2007-2009, 2010-2012). She served as an IEEE CAS Society Distinguished Lecturer (2005-2007). She is now an ADCOM member of IEEE CIS and is the Chair of CIS Distinguished Lecturer Program. She is a Member of Phi Tau Phi honor society and is an IEEE Fellow since 2008.

Lab Introduction

Our Lab was founded in 1991, and were initially majored in improving neural network and its application on medical image processing. For this reason, our researches in the early years consisted of neural network model studies, pattern classification and image processing. During the past years we have published many journal papers and conference papers in these topics. Since 2000, we have focused on the development of advanced medical teleconsultation system and multimedia-based intelligent telehealth care. Therefore, our research topics were extended to more areas such as computing intelligence, computer vision, augmented reality, video sequence analysis for behavior understanding, teleconsultation system. Our researches focus on the development of core techniques, which will be then integrated into practical applications. Because of the change in research directions, the name of this Lab. is also changed from "Neural Network and Medical Image Processing Lab." to "Smart Media & Intelligent Living Excellence Lab (SMILE Lab)" in 2004. Our goal is to integrate the techniques from computer vision, sensor networks, and intelligent computation so as to build a smart, secure and sound home care environment for meeting the needs in the coming future.

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