Communications and Multimedia Lab. (CML)


Lab Name and Affiliation

Communications and Multimedia Lab. (CML)

Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University

Lab Director (or Principal Investigator)

La-Ling Wu, Ming Ouhyoung, Wen-Chin Chen, Robin Bing-Yu Chen, Yung-Yu Chuang, Cheng-Fu Chou, Winston H. Hsu

Lab Introduction

Communications and Multimedia Lab. (CML) is a joint lab. with 7 directors. Our research interests include computer graphics, computer vision, signal processing, image processing, information retrieval, human-computer interaction, computer networking, and multimedia systems. The mission of our lab. is to inspire people to innovate and lead technology for enhancing the ways that people communicate through digital media. Our vision is to be a forefront laboratory in terms of innovation of human-centric media technology, nourishment of world-class researchers, and enhancement for our industrial partners. Our core values include passion, excellence, discipline, demo or die / publish or perish, inter-disciplinary teamwork, and experience transferring.

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