Social Robotics Lab


Lab Name and Affiliation

Social Robotics Lab

Interactive & Digital Media Institute, National University of Singapore.

Lab Director (or Principal Investigator)

Professor Shuzhi Sam Ge is the Director of Social Robotics Lab, Interactive Digital Media Institute, and Professor of Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, the National University of Singapore, and Founding Director of the Robotics Institute, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. He obtained his BSc from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and PhD and DIC from Imperial College London. He has (co)-authored seven books, over 300 international journal and conference papers.

He is the Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Social Robotics, Springer, and the book Editor of the Taylor & Francis' Automation and Control Engineering Series. He has served/been serving as an Associate Editor for a number of flagship journals including IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, and Automatica. At IEEE Control Systems Society, he served/serves as Vice President for Technical Activities, 2009-2010, and Vice President for Membership Activities, 2011-2012. He is a Fellow of IFAC, IEEE, IET and SAEng.

His current research interests include social robotics with social interactions, emotional understanding, and effective communication; machine intelligence in perception and understanding; and intelligent control and autonomous systems for applications in medicine, industry, and security. He was the recipient of 2013 distinguished member award of IEEE Control Systems Society; 2009 inaugural thousand talent program professorship, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China; 2007 Changjiang Guest Professorship, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics; 2002 Inaugural Temasek Young Investigator Award, Defence Science and Technology Agency (DSTA), Singapore; and 1999 National Technology Award of the National Science & Technology Board, Singapore. He provides technical consultancy to industrial and government agencies.

Lab Introduction

The Social Robotics Laboratory (SRL), Interactive Digital Media Institute, the National University of Singapore, is a research laboratory focused on socially competent, personal, healthcare and edutainment robotics internationally for scientific, social and economical impacts through the synergy from arts, engineering, medicine and sciences. The multi-faceted research program conducted in SRL is structured to investigate all aspects of social, personal, medical and edutainment robotics. It aims to produce a seamless integration of artificial agents into the human society, with intelligent robots that can participate in and learn from intuitive, long term interaction with humans, and which can be safely deployed in myriad applications ranging from entertainment, healthcare/eldercare, education and childcare. These robots will act as intelligent companions which enrich the lives and co-exist in harmony with humans.

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