Lab Name and Affiliation
NII Shin'ichi Satoh Lab.
National Institute of Informatics
Lab Director (or Principal Investigator)
Shin'ichi Satoh
is a professor in the Multimedia Information Research Division at the National Institute of Informatics (NII), Japan. His research interests include image and video analysis and database construction, management, image and video retrieval, and knowledge discovery based on image and video analysis. Satoh has a PhD in information engineering from the University of Tokyo.
Lab Introduction
Video content-based retrieval is indispensable to access necessary information from broadcast videos or video archives in the internet. We are addressing video content-based retrieval for large-scale video archives via automatic extraction of video content information using video semantic analysis. This requires to solve so-called the bridging the semantic gap, which is known to be very challenging task, and we are tackling this issue using several techniques including image analysis, machine learning, and information retrieval.
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