Dr. Chenyang Yang is a full professor in the School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Beihang University (BUAA). She has published various journal and conference papers and filed many patents in the fields of green communication, CoMP, interference management, cognitive radio, relay, and wireless sensor network, etc.
She was nominated as an Outstanding Young Professor of Beijing in 1995 and was supported by the 1st Teaching and Research Award Program for Outstanding Young Teachers of Higher Education Institutions by Ministry of Education during 1999-2004. She was the chair of Beijing chapter of IEEE Communications Society during 2008~2012. She has ever served as TPC members for many IEEE conferences such as ICC and GLOBECOM.
Currently, she serves as an associate editor for IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications and a guest editor for IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, the MDC chair of APB of IEEE Communications Society, an associate editor-in-chief of Chinese Journal of Communications and an associate editor-in-chief of Chinese Journal of Signal Processing. Her recent research interests include network MIMO (CoMP, coordinated multi-point), energy efficient transmission (GR, green radio) and interference alignment.