Video Processing Lab


Lab Name and Affiliation

Video Processing Lab

University of California San Diego

Lab Director (or Principal Investigator)

Truong Q. Nguyen [F'05] is currently a Professor at the ECE Dept., UCSD.
His reserach interests include video quality enhancement, video interpolation and super-resolution, video deblurring, LCD processing and analysis and frame rate up conversion. He has been developing estimation algorithm to compute saliency based on biological-inspired visual cues (2D video) together with disparity (3D stereo video) and its applications in 3D stereo video compression and processing. He currently investigates efficient and robust method for capturing 3D models and its applications in health-care applications.

Prof. Nguyen received the IEEE Transaction in Signal Processing Paper Award (Image and Multidimensional Processing area) for the paper he co-wrote with Prof. P. P. Vaidyanathan on linear-phase perfect-reconstruction filter banks (1992). He received the NSF Career Award in 1995 and is currently the Series Editor (Digital Signal Processing) for Academic Press. He served as Associate Editor for the IEEE Transaction on Signal Processing 1994-96, for the Signal Processing Letters 2001-2003, for the IEEE Transaction on Circuits & Systems from 1996-97, 2001-2004, and for the IEEE Transaction on Image Processing from 2004-2005. He is an IEEE Fellow.

Lab Introduction

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