Lab Name and Affiliation
Visual Communication
Electronic Engineering Department,
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Lab Director (or Principal Investigator)
Yun He received her B.S. at Harbin Engineering University, China 1982, her M.S. at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China in 1984, and her Ph.D. at Liege University, Belgium, in1989. She worked as an Associate Professor in 1993-2004 and has been a full professor since 2004 in the Electronic Eng. Dept. of Tsinghua University. Her research interests include visual signal coding, and visual signal communication, video codec VLSI structure, 3D visual signal coding and presentation. She has published over 90 papers in the area of picture coding. She serves in several technical committees such as in IEEE CAS-TC of Visual Signal Processing and Communications, in IEEE SP-TC of Multi Media Signal Processing; in PCS, and in VCIP. She has been invited as session chairs in several conferences, such as in PCS, VCIP, PCM, and ISCAS. She is the General Chair of the 25th PCS.
Lab Introduction
Video Communication Research Group, directed by Dr. Yun He, activates in the area of moving picture coding in the world. Currently, the researches are carried on three directions, moving picture coding theories and methodologies, multi view moving picture coding and processing, and moving picture codec VLSI structures. The group contributes many high-leveled scientific papers, such as in IEEE Transactions and in international conferences, creation patents, some are adopted by international and national moving picture coding standards and reference software associated.
The Group has completed successfully several video communication systems, which include video phone system, video conference system, digital TV system, as well as internet video communication systems.
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