Lab Name and Affiliation
Center for Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligience
Xiamen University, Xiamen, China
Lab Director (or Principal Investigator)
Hanzi Wang is currently a Chairman of the Professor Committee in the School of IST at Xiamen University (XMU) in China, a Distinguished Professor of "Minjiang Scholars" in Fujian province and a Founding Director of the Center for Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (CPAMI) at XMU. He has been funded by the "100 Talents Program" in Fujian province, China, 2013. He was an Adjunct Professor (2010-2012) and a Senior Research Fellow (2008-2010) at the University of Adelaide, Australia; an Assistant Research Scientist (2007-2008) and a Postdoctoral Fellow (2006-2007) at the Johns Hopkins University; and a Research Fellow at Monash University, Australia (2004-2006). He received his Ph.D degree in Computer Vision from Monash University where he was awarded the Douglas Lampard Electrical Engineering Research Prize and Medal for the best PhD thesis in the Department. His research interests are concentrated on computer vision and pattern recognition including visual tracking, robust statistics, object detection, video segmentation, model fitting, optical flow calculation, 3D structure from motion, image segmentation and related fields.
He is a senior member of the IEEE. He is an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (T-CSVT) and he was a Guest Editor of Pattern Recognition Letters (September 2009). He is the General Chair for ICIMCS2014. He was the Program Chair for CVRS2012, Publicity Chair for IEEE NAS2012, and Area Chair for DICTA2010. He also serves on the program committee (PC) of ICCV, ECCV, CVPR, ACCV, PAKDD, ICIG, ADMA, CISP, etc, and he serves on the reviewer panel for more than 40 jounrals and conferences.
Lab Introduction
The Center for Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligience (CPAMI) was formally established at Xiamen University, 2012. CPAMI mainly focuses on Computer Vision, Image and Video Processing, Information Security and Computer Graphics. Currently, CPAMI has 12 full-time faculties, more than 20 guest researchers and academic advisors, and around 100 postgraduate students. CPAMI has a strong focus on producing high quality conference and journal publications.CPAMI researchers have published at leading international conferences and journals include: IEEE Trans. PAMI,IEEE Trans. MI, IEEE Trans. IP, IEEE Trans. SMC-B, IEEE Trans. GRS and PR. CPAMI researchers have achieved more than 10 research grants at different levels so far.
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