video information processing (VIP) lab.


Lab Name and Affiliation

video information processing (VIP) lab.

Department of Computer Science, National Chiao-Tung University

Lab Director (or Principal Investigator)

Wen-Jiin Tsai received the Ph.D and B.S. degrees, both in Computer Science from National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan in 1997 and 1993, respectively. Since August 2013, she has been a visiting scholar in in Professor C.C.Jay-Kuo¡¦s MCL Group, Ming Hsieh Department, Viterbi School of Electric Engineering, University of Southern California (USC), USA. Her research interests include video codec, video quality assessment and UHD video signal processing.

Lab Introduction

Video Information Processing (VIP) Lab is devoted to the theoretical study and algorithm design for video information processing systems. Our current research activities include: video signal codec (HEVC), error-resilient video coding, video quality assessment, and sports video content analysis. Our goals are to create feasible algorithms for current and future standards in industry as well as theoretical contributions for academia.

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