Visual Signal Processing Group


Lab Name and Affiliation

Visual Signal Processing Group

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Lab Director (or Principal Investigator)

Xiaokang Yang is currently a professor and Vice Dean, School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering, and the deputy director of the Institute of Image Communication and Information Processing, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China. He has published over 150 refereed papers, and has filed 30 patents. His current research interests include visual signal processing and communication, media analysis and retrieval, and pattern recognition.

Lab Introduction

Sponsored by funding from NSFC, MOST, the industrial partner, China, the lab is equipped with state-of the-art facilities. The research group comprises many faculty members, staff members and graduate students from Electrical and Electronic Engineering Departments. The Mission of the lab is to engage in cutting-edge research and development activities towards academic excellence and for producing advanced image/video processing technologies and systems that can support existing as well as emerging multimedia information and networking applications for local industries in China and the world.

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