Network Security and Trust (NEST) Laboratory


Lab Name and Affiliation

Network Security and Trust (NEST) Laboratory

University of Rhode Island

Lab Director (or Principal Investigator)

Yan (Lindsay) Sun received her B.S. degree with the highest honor from Peking University in 1998, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Maryland in 2004. She joined the University of Rhode Island in 2004, where she is currently an associate professor in the department of Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering. Dr. Sun is an elected member of the Information Forensics and Security Technical Committee (IFS-TC), in IEEE Signal Processing Society. She also serves on the editorial broad of IEEE Security and Privacy Magazine. She is an associate editor of Signal Processing Letter since 2013, and an associate editor of Inside Signal Processing eNewsletter since 2010. Dr. Sun's research interests include power grid security, trustworthy social computing, wireless network security, and reliable biomedical systems. She applied signal processing techniques in modeling, detection, and estimation of abnormal behaviors in various computing and communication systems. Dr. Sun recently received the best paper award at the IEEE International Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom'10, acceptance ratio <11%). She was the recipient of NSF CAREER Award (2007).

Lab Introduction

The NEST lab was established in 2006 to promote research on cyber security at the University of Rhode Island. The research program focuses on trust and reputation management in various application scenarios, security and privacy in online social networks, and vulnerability analysis in power grid systems. The members contribute to the research community through innovative research and volunteer services. Furthermore, the NEST lab serves the local community, by its presence on the Universityˇ¦s Information Security Advisory Council, and participation in the annual URI Cyber Security Symposium.

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