Color & Imaging Lab.


Lab Name and Affiliation

Color & Imaging Lab.

School of Electronics Engineering, Kyungpook National University, Korea

Lab Director (or Principal Investigator)

Prof. Yeong-Ho Ha
He received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electronic engineering from Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea, in 1976 and 1978, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Texas, Austin, in 1985. He joined the Department of Electronics Engineering, Kyungpook National University, where he is currently a Professor. He served as President and Vice President with the Korea Society for Imaging Science and Technology, and a Vice President of the Institute of Electronics Engineering of Korea. His current research interests include color image processing, computer vision, digital signal and image processing. Dr. Ha is a member of the Pattern Recognition Society, and fellows of IS&T and SPIE. He served as a TPC Chair, Committee Member, and Organizing Committee Chair of many international conferences held in IEEE, SPIE, and IS&T and domestic conferences.

Lab Introduction

With the advances of color printers, color image displays, multimedia devices, and digital cameras, color image processing has been becoming the main spot of the image-processing research. Recently, many researches based on color image processing have been processed, and many interesting results have been reported concerning filtering, enhancement, restoration, compression, preservation, manipulation, and evaluation of color images. Among the above descriptions, main research areas of the Color & Imaging Lab. are color consistency between input and output devices, color image enhancement, and image quality assessment.
Specific research topics are focused on:
- Color Management System
- Display and Camera Characterization
- Color Reproduction for Human Vision System (Color Adaptation Model)
- Image and Display Quality Assessment
- Color Image Reproduction in Digital Cinema
- High Dynamic Range (HDR) Imaging
- Image Coding (JPEG, MPEG, and HEVC)
- Illumination-level Adaptive Color Reproduction Method
- Color Constancy
- Six-color Separation in Printing Devices

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