Lab Name and Affiliation
Smart-X Research Lab
Singapore University of Technology and Design
Lab Director (or Principal Investigator)
Dr Chau Yuen received the BEng and PhD degree from Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, in 2000 and 2004 respectively. He is the recipient of Lee Kuan Yew Gold Medal, Institution of Electrical Engineers Book Prize, Institute of Engineering of Singapore Gold Medal, Merck Sharp & Dohme Gold Medal and twice the recipient of Hewlett Packard Prize.
Dr Yuen was a Post Doc Fellow in Lucent Technologies Bell Labs, Murray Hill during 2005. He was a Visiting Assistant Professor of Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2008. During the period of 2006 - 2010, he worked at the Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R, Singapore) as a Senior Research Engineer, where he was involved in an industrial project on developing an 802.11n Wireless LAN system, and participated actively in 3Gpp Long Term Evolution (LTE) and LTE-Advanced (LTE-A) standardization. He joined the Singapore University of Technology and Design as an assistant professor from June 2010, and received IEEE Asia-Pacific Outstanding Young Researcher Award on 2012.
Dr Yuen serves as an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, and awarded as Top Associate Editor from 2009 - 2012. He has filed 5 patents and published over 150 research papers at international journals or conferences.
Lab Introduction
The lab focuses on the next generation smart-x system, e.g. smart-city, smart-grid, smart-building, and smart-home. The research areas cover green wireless communications, 5G technology, machine-to-machine communications, security of cyber physical system, cloud storage, demand responce management for smart grid etc.
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