Paper Submission
Papers must be formatted according to the instructions in the APSIPA ASC 2019 Paper Kit.
Please read the entire Paper Kit carefully to verify that your paper document is formatted correctly and that you have all the information you need before starting your paper submission. The paper kit contains detailed instructions on formatting your document and completing the submission process, as well as a description of how the review process works and how to prepare for your presentation at the conference if your paper is accepted.
Use the LaTeX or MS Word templates in the Template.
Instructions for Final Paper Submission
There are two parts, namely (a) Copyright transfer form, and (b) Camera Ready paper certified by IEEE PDF eXpress.
Part one: Copyright transfer form
Complete the IEEE Copyright Form electronically using the link in the EasyChair for APSIPA ASC 2019 author console (Click here to view). Make sure to download a copy of the copyright form and upload the signed form in the Author Console. The upload page appears as follows:

Part two: Camera ready paper certified by IEEE PDF eXpress
During final submission, please upload the file certified by IEEE PDF eXpress, i.e., the file downloaded or sent to you via email (not the one you generated on your local machine). The downloaded / received filename should have the format of PID*******.pdf
Please follow the following steps to complete the file certification and upload:
(1). Use IEEE PDF eXpress Plus site ( (Click here to view) to validate your paper. This is a necessary step for ensuring all PDF submissions are IEEE Xplore compliant. If your file does not satisfy Xplore compliance, it cannot be published and will be removed from the APSIPA ASC 2019 Proceedings and the IEEE Xplore system.
* First-time users should do the following:
a) Select the New Users
b) Enter the following:
– 47483X for the Conference ID
– your email address
– a password
c) Continue to enter information as prompted. (An Online confirmation will be displayed and an email confirmation will be sent verifying your account setup.)
d) Make sure to approve your paper for collection (Then, the status of the paper should be "PDF Passed PDF Check; PDF is IEEE Xplore-compatible")
* Previous users of PDF eXpress or IEEE PDF eXpress Plus need to follow the above steps, but should enter the same password that was used for previous conferences. Verify that your contact information is valid.
(2). Check if your file has been certified.
a) Open the PDF file in Acrobat Reader
b) Click File -> Properties
c) A certified document will show something like 'Certified by IEEE PDFeXpress'
(3). Once you have a validated PDF file, return to the EasyChair for APSIPA ASC 2019 author console (Click here to view) and submit it as the final paper. Please note that the final paper should be identical with the file, validated in Step (1). Otherwise, your paper will not be included in the proceeding and the IEEE Xplore.
*** Please submit PDF file only. Other format is NOT accepted.If you have questions regarding the final paper submission, please contact the publication chair:
Conference Paper Guidelines
Authors are required to submit material that is original and that has not been published, or submitted for consideration, elsewhere. Author misconduct, including fabrication of results and plagiarism of the work of others, shall be subject to sanctions by IEEE under the rules of Member Conduct.
The IEEE Signal Processing Society enforces a "no-show" policy. Any accepted paper included in the final program is expected to have at least one author or qualified proxy attend and present the paper at the conference. Authors of the accepted papers included in the final program who do not attend and present at the conference will be added to a "No-Show List", compiled by the Society. The "no-show" papers will not be published by IEEE on IEEE Xplore® or other public access forums, but these papers will be distributed as part of the on-site electronic proceedings and the copyright of these papers will belong to the IEEE. Note: For poster sessions, if the speaker is not present in front of the poster for most of the time during the poster session, this implies "no show".