APSIPA Grand Awards
In order to celebrate the APSIPA 10th Anniversary, we established the APSIPA Grand Award which is the highest annual award of APSIPA starting from 2018. The objective of this award is to show our great appreciation of those who contributed to APSIPA and has superior contributions/leadership in signal processing, information technology and communications.
Awardees of 2018:
- Sadaoki Furui
for Founding the APSIPA and Pioneering Contributions to Speech Signal Processing
- K. J. Ray Liu
for Founding the APSIPA, and Pioneering Contributions for the Advances of Signal Processing in Multimedia Forensics, Security, and Wireless Communications
- Jose M. F. Moura
for Leadership in the Collaboration between APSIPA and IEEE, and Pioneering Contributions to Graph Signal Processing
APSIPA Sadaoki Furui Prize Paper Award
The APSIPA Sadaoki Furui Prize Paper Award is awarded at APSIPA ASC each year based on selection from the
papers published in the preceding five years. Nominations with
supporting comments should be sent to Editor in Chief or
VP-Publications, who co-chair the Award Commitee by August 1.