APSIPA Newsletters

APSIPA is pleased to publish an online newsletter for the Signal and Information Processing research interest community. All are welcome to send us their contributions to publish it in APSIPA Newsletter. All contributions should not be more than double column one page with font size 10 including images. The contributions could be (but not limited) articles or notes on:

  1. Review on a recently published book or monograph (preferably within 5 years)
  2. Interesting technology or research line
  3. Interesting scientific fact, progress, development, ... etc
  4. Science and technology in history and pioneers
  5. Announcements specially for interns, scholarships, PG studies, fellowships, and postdocs
  6. Lectures in signal and information technology (description and link to the video of presentation)
  7. Any other material you think suitable for inclusion in the newsletter

All submissions should be sent to Newsletter Editor-in-Chief Prof. Sanghoon Lee (slee@yonsei.ac.kr) with a subject heading ”„APSIPA Newsletter”¦. We reserve the right to carry on minor editing to all submissions to meet our editorial procedure. Copyright of material remains with the original author who grants us the right to make it available on APSIPA website.


Prof. Jiantao Zhou (jtzhou@um.edu.mo)

Vice Editor-in-Chief:

Prof Jing-Ming Guo


- Issue 43 (2024 November) [new]
- Issue 42 (2024 April)
- Issue 41 (2023 December)
- Issue 40 (2023 October)
- Issue 39 (2023 July)
- Issue 38 (2023 April)
- Issue 37 (2023 January)
- Issue 36 (2022 October)
- Issue 35 (2022 June)
- Issue 34 (2022 March)
- Issue 33 (2021 December)
- Issue 32 (2021 October)
- Issue 31 (2021 June)
- Issue 30 (2021 March)
- Issue 29 (2020 Dec)
- Issue 28 (2020 Sep)
- Issue 27 (2020 Jul)
- Issue 26 (2020 Apr)
- Issue 25 (2020 Feb)
- Issue 24 (2019 Dec)
- Issue 23 (2019 Nov)
- Issue 22 (2019 Oct)
- Issue 21 (2019 Sep)
- Issue 20 (2019 Jun)
- Issue 19 (2019 Apr)
- Issue 18 (2019 Feb)
- Issue 17 (2018 Feb)
- Issue 16
- Issue 15
- Issue 14
- Issue 13
- Issue 12
- Issue 11
- Issue 10 (Please click here to download a small-size version of the newsletter)
- Issue 9 (Please click here to download a small-size version of the newsletter)
- Issue 8
(Please click here to download a small-size version of the newsletter)
- Issue 7

- Issue 6
(Pleaseclick here to download a small-size version of the newsletter)
- Issue 5
(Please click here to download a small-size version of the newsletter)
- Issue 4(Please click here to download a small-size version of the newsletter)
- Issue 3
- Issue 2
(Please click here to download a small-size version of the newsletter)
- Issue 1


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