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Archive | |
- APSIPA Election Result Announcement
[posted on 4 Dec 2024]
- Kosin Chamnongthai is elected as the President-elect (2025-2026)
- APSIPA Election Result Announcement
[posted on 4 Dec 2024]
- Isao Echizen is elected as the VP-IREP (2025-2026)
- Zixiang Xiong is elected as the VP-P (2025-2026)
- Mingyi He is elected as the VP-TA (2025-2026)
- APSIPA Member-At-Large Election Result
[posted on 4 Dec 2024]
- Yoshinobu Kajikawa (2025-2027)
- Weisi Lin (2025)
- Wen-Hsiao Peng (2025-2026)
- Yuichi Tanaka (2025-2027)
- Hsin-Min Wang (2025-2027)
- H. Vicky Zhao (2025-2026)
- Thomas Fang Zheng (2025-2027)
- APSIPA Sadaoki Furui Prize Paper Award
[posted on 3 Dec 2024]
APSIPA Newsletter - Issue 43
[posted on 11 November 2024]
APSIPA ASC 2025 Call for Papers
[posted on 9 October 2024]
APSIPA Newsletter - Issue 42
[posted on 8 April 2024]
APSIPA ASC 2024 Call for Papers
[posted on 3 January 2024]
APSIPA Newsletter - Issue 41
[posted on 18 December 2023]
- Year 2023 Fall APSIPA Industrial Distinguished Leaders
[posted on 20 November 2023]
- Stefan Winkler, AICS Research Director, National University of Singapore
- Serhad Doken, ADEIA CTO
APSIPA Newsletter - Issue 40
[posted on 19 October 2023]
- APSIPA Member-At-Large Election Result
[posted on 18 Oct 2023]
- Kosin Camnongthai (2024-2026)
- Nancy F. Chen (2024-2026)
- Isao Echizen (2024-2026)
- Jing-Ming Guo (2024-2026)
- Zixiang Xiong (2024-2025)
- APSIPA Sadaoki Furui Prize Paper Award
[posted on 23 Sep 2023]
- Year 2023 Spring APSIPA Industrial Distinguished Leaders
[posted on 17 August 2023]
- Zicheng Liu, partner research manager, Microsoft Azure AI
APSIPA Newsletter - Issue 39
[posted on 28 June 2023]
APSIPA Newsletter - Issue 38
[posted on 14 April 2023]
APSIPA Logo Design Competition
The deadline for submissions is May 15, 2023 (Details)
[posted on 8 March 2023]
- Distinguished Lecturers for 2023-2024
[posted on 2 February 2023]
Sansanee Auephanwiriyakul, Chiang Mai University, Thailand
Zhengguo Li, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore
Chia-Wen Lin, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Boxin Shi, Peking University, China
Nipon Theera-Umpon, Chiang Mai University, Thailand
Hong Vicky Zhao, Tsinghua University, China
Chul Lee, Dongguk University, Korea
Ming-Sui Lee, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
APSIPA Newsletter - Issue 37
[posted on 11 January 2023]
- Year 2022 Fall APSIPA Industrial Distinguished Leaders
[posted on 27 November 2022]
- Yanzhi Wang, Northeastern University, Chairman and former CEO of CoCoPIE Inc., USA
- Shuhao Wang, Co-founder and CTO of Thorough Future
- APSIPA BoG Members Election Result
[posted on 17 Nov 2022]
- Shoji Makino (2023-2025)
- Gwo Giun Chris Lee (2023-2025)
- Nam Ik Cho (2023-2025)
- Waleed Abdula (2023-2025)
- APSIPA Sadaoki Furui Prize Paper Award
[posted on 17 Nov 2022]
APSIPA Newsletter - Issue 36
[posted on 13 October 2022]
- Year 2022 Spring APSIPA Industrial Distinguished Leaders
[posted on 7 September 2022]
Xiaoyu Wang, Cofounder & Chief Scientist, Intellifusion Technologies
In memory of Prof. Sadaoki Furui
[posted on 4 August 2022]
It is with great sadness that we report that Professor Sadaoki Furui passed away on July 31, 2022. He was the founding President of APSIPA serving from 2009 to 2012. He was a pioneering researcher in the speech area, an inspirational leader, and a close friend to many of us. He was instrumental in helping to establish and provided distinguished leadership to APSIPA. We will all greatly miss him. The next APSIPA newsletter will have a memorial article dedicated to Prof. Furui and at this year¡¦s APSIPA ASC in Chiang Mai, Thailand we will have a special event and sessions to celebrate his life and achievements.
APSIPA Newsletter - Issue 35
[posted on 12 June 2022]
APSIPA Newsletter - Issue 34
[posted on 8 Marcxh 2022]
- Distinguished Lecturers for 2022-2023
[posted on 8 March 2022]
Ronald Chang , Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Fei Chen , Southern University of Science and Technology, China
Yuchao Dai , Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
Kazunori Hayashi, Kyoto University, Japan
Yipeng Liu , University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
Zhanyu Ma , Beijing University of Posts and Telecom, China
Simon Pun , Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Shang-Ho Tsai , National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Kazuyoshi Yoshii, Kyoto University, Japan
- 2022-2023 APSIPA Election Result Announcement
[posted on 12 Jan 2022]
- Kosin Chamnongthai is elected as the VP - Conferences (2022-2023)
- Seishi Takamura is elected as the VP - Industrial Relations and Development (2022-2023)
- Ning Xu is elected as the Deputy VP - Industrial Relations and Development (2022-2023)
- Toshihisa Tanaka is elected as the VP - Member Relations and Development (2022-2023)
- Woon-Seng Gan is elected as the VP - Publications (2022-2023)
- APSIPA BoG Members Election Result
[posted on 12 Jan 2022]
- Yoshinobu Kajikawa (2022-2024)
- Kenneth Lam (2022-2024)
- Sanghoon Lee (2022-2024)
- KokSheik Wong (2022-2024)
- APSIPA Sadaoki Furui Prize Paper Award
[posted on 31 Dec 2021]
- Year 2021 Fall APSIPA Industrial Distinguished Leaders
[posted on 20 December 2021]
Mr. Chia-Yung Su, CTO/Co-Founder, Appier
Dr. Gerard Medioni,VP/Distinguished Scientist, Amazon
Dr. Jinyu Li, Partner Applied Scientist, Microsoft
- Distinguished Lecturers for 2021-2022
[posted on 29 Oct 2021]
Jewon KANG, Ewha Womans Univ, Korea
Yuhong LIU, Santa Clara Univ, USA
Jae-Young SIM, Ulsan National Inst of Sci and Tech, Korea
Wan-chi SIU, Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ, Hong Kong, China
Ye WANG, National Univ of Singapore, Singapore
Zhiyong WANG, Univ of Sydney, Australia
Changshui ZHANG, Tsinghua Univ, China
Ce ZHU , Univ of Electronic Science and Tech of China, China
APSIPA Newsletter - Issue 32
[posted on 1 October 2021]
- Year 2021 Spring APSIPA Industrial Distinguished Leaders
[posted on 28 September 2021]
Dr. Pengfei Xia, Principal Engineer, Amazon
Dr. Ching-Yung Lin, CEO, Graphen / Adj. Prof. Columbia University
Dr. Shingo Tsukada, NTT Fellow, NTT
APSIPA Newsletter - Issue 31
[posted on 2 June 2021]
- Year 2020 Fall APSIPA Industrial Distinguished Leaders
[posted on 31 May 2021]
Dr Joe Yeh, Co-Founder & CEO aetherAI Co., Ltd
APSIPA Newsletter - Issue 30
[posted on 4 March 2021]
- Year 2020 Spring APSIPA Industrial Distinguished Leaders
[updated on 17 Dec 2020]
Yuichi Nakamura, VP, Executive Specialist, NEC
Danilo Pau, Technical Director, STMicroelectronics
Yu Huang, VP of Technology, Autonomous Driving Research, Blacksesame Technology Inc.
Xuejing Sun, CEO, Twirling Technologies
Hitoshi Imaoka, NEC Fellow, NEC
- APSIPA BoG Members Election Result
[posted on 7 Dec 2020]
- Isao Echizen (2021-2023)
- Jing-Ming Guo (2021-2023)
- Bonnie Ngai-Fong Law (2021-2023)
- Antonio Ortega (2021-2023)
- Nam Ik Cho (2021-2022)
- Chris Gwo Giun Lee (2021-2022)
- APSIPA Sadaoki Furui Prize Paper Award
[posted on 3 Dec 2020]
- 2021-2022 APSIPA Election Result Announcement
[posted on 3 Dec 2020]
- Prof. Tatsuya Kawahara is elected as the President-Elect (2021-2022)
- Prof. Mingyi He is elected as the VP - Institutional Relations and Education Program (2021-2022)
- Prof. Yih-Fang Huang is elected as the VP - Technical Activities (2021-2022)
APSIPA Newsletter - Issue 29
[posted on 1 December 2020]
Prof. Sadaoki Furui received the Permanent Honorary Presidentship of APSIPA
[posted on 5 Oct 2020]
APSIPA Newsletter - Issue 28
[posted on 25 September 2020]
- Year 2019 Fall APSIPA Industrial Distinguished Leaders
updated on 11 Sep 2020]
Dr. Wei-Chao Chen, Co-founder and Chairman, Skywatch
APSIPA Newsletter - Issue 27
[posted on 24 Jul 2020]
- Call for papers for two ATSIP special issues: [
posted on 14 May 2020]
- Advanced Signal Processing for 5G Wireless Communication Systems
- High-Performance Image and Video Processing and Applications
APSIPA Newsletter - Issue 26
[posted on 30 Apr 2020]
APSIPA Newsletter - Issue 25
[posted on 19 Feb 2020]
- APSIPA Election Results [
posted on 30 Dec 2019]
- Kok Sheik Wong is elected as the Editor-in-Chief
- Sanghoon Lee is elected as the Vice Editor-in-Chief
- Year 2019 Spring APSIPA Industrial Distinguished Leaders [
updated on 23 Dec 2019]
Tao Mei, Deputy Managing Director, JD AI Research
Ali Tabatabai, VP, Sony
Aldo Badano, Senior Biomedical Researcher, US Food and Drug Administration
Yeong-Taeg Kim, Samsung Electronics
APSIPA ASC 2020 Call for Papers [
posted on 18 Dec 2019]
APSIPA Newsletter - Issue 24 [
posted on 18 Dec 2019]
Newsletter - Issue 23 [posted
on 29 Nov 2019]
- APSIPA Sadaoki Furui Prize Paper Award [
posted on 29 Nov 2019]
- 2020-2021 APSIPA Election Result Announcement [posted on 2 Nov 2019]
- Kosin Chamnongthai is elected as the VP - Conference (2020-2021)
- Seishi Takamura is elected as the VP ¡V Industrial Relations and Development (2020-2021)
- Yoshinobu Kajikawa is elected as the VP ¡V Member Relations and Development (2020-2021)
- Kenneth K.M. Lam is elected as the VP ¡V Publications (2020-2021)
- APSIPA BoG Members Election Result[posted on 2 Nov 2019]
- 3-year term (2020-2022)
- Waleed H. Abdulla
- Mingyi He
- Kazuya Takeda
- 1-year term (2020):
Newsletter - Issue 22 [posted
on 21 Oct 2019]
Newsletter - Issue 21 [posted
on 3 Oct 2019]
- Year 2018 Fall APSIPA Industrial Distinguished Leaders [updated
on 27 Jul 2019]
Wenjun Zeng, Sr. Principal Research Manager, Microsoft Research Asia
Yunqu Leon Liu, President, Viscore Technologies
Qingxiong Yang, CEO, MoonX
Bowen Zhou, VP, JD.com
Newsletter - Issue 20 [posted
on Jul 2019]
Newsletter - Issue 19 [posted
on 1 Apr 2019]
Newsletter - Issue 18 [posted
on 14 Feb 2019]
- Year 2018 Spring APSIPA Industrial Distinguished Leaders [updated
on 19 Feb 2019]
Jing Xiao, Chief Scientist, PingAn Insurance Group
Jianle Chen, VP, America Media Lab of Huawei Technologies
Samir N. Hulyalkar, VP, Dolby Labs
Jungwon Lee, VP, Samsung SoC Lab
Shan Liu, VP and General Manager, Tencent Media Lab
ASC 2019 Call for Paper [posted
on 26 Nov 2018]
- APSIPA Election Result [posted
on 12 Nov 2018]
- C.N. Lee is elected as the VP ¡V Technical Activities (2019-2020)
BoG Members Election Result [posted
on 1 Nov 2018]
- 3-year term (2019-2021, from now to the end of
- Min Wu,
- Chung-Hsien Wu,
- Hiroshi Saruwatari,
- Kai-Kuang Ma
- 1-year
term (2019):
- APSIPA Election Result [posted
on 15 Oct 2018]
- Anthony Kuh is elected as the President-elect (2019-2020)
- Woon-Seng Gan is elected as the VP – Institutional Relations and Education Program (2019-2020)
- APSIPA Sadaoki Furui Prize Paper Award [posted
on 15 Oct 2018]
ASC 2018 Call for Paper [posted
on 5 Mar 2018]
- APSIPA Industrial Governance Board [posted
on 28 Feb 2018]
Chair - VP of Industrial Relations and Development
Su, Dolby Labs, USA (Chair)
Past-Chair (2016-2017) - VP of Industrial Relations
and Development
Liu, Tencent America, USA (Chair)
Past-Chair (2014-2015) - VP of Industrial Relations
and Development
Haohong Wang, General Manager, TCL Research
America (Chair)
Publication Committee
Ning Xu, Snapchat Research, USA (Chair)
Anlei Dong, Microsoft, USA
Chong Chen, Apple, USA
Hongcheng Wang, Comcast, USA
I-Ming Pao, Adobe, USA
Li Tao, Samsung, USA
Qian Chen, Facebook, USA
Weidong Zhang, JD.com, USA
Xuejing Sun, Twirling Technologies, China
Yong Liu, Apple, USA
Yu Huang, Singulato, USA
Yu-Chen Sun, Qualcomm, USA
Industrial Forum Committee
Yang Lei, HP Labs, USA (Chair)
Mu Qiao, Uber, USA
Jianing Wei, Google Research, USA
Ying Li, IBM, USA
Yandong Guo, Microsoft Research, USA
Sunil Bharitkar, HP Labs, USA
Bin Shen, Google, USA
Xiaozhong Xu, Tencent, USA
Zhiwei Zhang, Facebook, USA
Qing Song, Dolby Labs, USA
Avinash L Varna, Intel, USA
Membership Committee
Ming Xia, Alibaba, USA (Chair)
Xi Wang, Fujitsu Lab, USA
Ying Li, Cirrus, USA
Hui Dong, Huawei, USA
Lynn Lu, Nokia, China
Ramesh Subrahmaniam, Infinera, USA
Wenda Ni, Microsoft, USA
Qi Wei, Siemens Research, USA
Yasunori Owada, NICT, Japan
Tianran Liang, Google, USA
Qirui Huang, SUTD, Singapore
Jiguang Li, Goforward, China
Newsletter - Issue 17 [posted
on 15 Feb 2018]
- Distinguished
Lecturers for 2018-2019: [posted
on 25 Jan 2018]
- Hemant A Patil, Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, India
- Hiroshi Saruwatari, The University of Tokyo, Japan
- Junosng Yuan, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
- Dong Wang, Tsinghua University, China
- Jie Chen, Northwestern Polytechical University, China
- Chuang Shi, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
- Xiangui Kang, Sun Yat-sen University, China
- Jiaching Wang, National Central University, Taiwan
- Xie Lei, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
ASC 2018 will be held in November 12-15, 2018, in
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA [posted
on 22 Jan 2018]
- Year 2017 Fall APSIPA Industrial Distinguished Leaders [posted
on 18 Jan 2018]
Naonori Ueda, NTT Fellow, NTT
James Bankoski, Director, Google
Amir Said, Principal Engineer, Qualcomm
Chung-Sheng Li, Global Research Managing Director, Accenture Operations
Akihiko Sugiyama, Research Fellow, NEC
Kar-Han Tan, VP, Novumind
BoG Members Election Result [posted
on 13 Dec 2017]
3-year term (2018-2020, from now to the end of
- Yo-Sung
- Tatsuya
- Susanto
- Bonnie
Ngai-Fong Law
- 1-year
term (2018):
is a technical sponsor of IEEE ICME
2018 [posted
on 12 Dec 2017]
APSIPA Sadaoki Furui Prize Paper Award [posted
on 12 Dec 2017]
VP Election Result [posted
on 12 Dec 2017]
- Thomas
Fang Zheng is elected as the VP - Conferences
(2018-2019), it is his second term.
- Guan-Ming
Su is elected as the VP - Industrial Relations
and Development (2018-2019), it is his first term.
- Yoshinobu
Kajikawa is elected as the VP - Member Relations
and Development (2018-2019), it is his first term.
- Kin-Man
Lam, Kenneth is elected as the VP - Publication
(2018-2019), it is his first term.
- Anthony
Kuh is elected as the VP - Technical Activities
(2018-2019), it is his second term.
Newsletter - Issue 16 [posted
on 1 Sept 2017]
- Year 2017 APSIPA
Industrial Distinguished Leaders[posted
on 29 May 2017]
Patel, Senior Fellow and Chief Engineer, Hewlett
Lu, VP Engineering, Novumind Inc.
Charlie Zhang, VP, Samsung Research America
Haohong Wang, General Manager, TCL Research America
Yong Rui, Sr. VP and CTO, Lenovo
David Stork, Rambus Fellow, Rambus Inc.
Newsletter - Issue 15 [posted
on 2 May 2017]
Lecturers for 2017-2018: [posted
on 23 Mar 2017]
Chen, Northwestern Polytech University, China
Cuntai Guan, Nanyang Technological University,
Chang-Su Kim, Korea University, Korea
Hakil Kim, Inha University, Korea
Hong Kook Kim, GIST, Korea
Shang-Hong Lai, Nat'l Tsinghua University, Taiwan
Wen-Hsiao Peng, Nat'l Chiao Tung University,
Guangming Shi, Xidian University, China
Hwangjun Song, POSTECH, Korea
Dong Yu, Microsoft Research, USA
Newsletter - Issue 14 [posted
on 10 Feb 2017]
Member-at-Large Election Result [posted
on 26 Jan 2017]
- 3-year
term (from now to the end of APSIPA ASC 2019):
Toshihisa Tanaka, Kosin Chamnongthai, Nam Ik Cho
and Chung-Nan Lee
- 1-year
(from now to the end of APSIPA ASC 2017):
Suparvadee Armavith
Year 2016 APSIPA
Industrial Distinguished Leaders
on 19 Jan 2017]
Bo Begole, VP, Global Head of Media Technologies
Lab, Huawei R&D, USA
Achin Bhowmik, VP and General Manager, Perceptual
Computing Group, Intel Corporation
Chih-Lin I, Chief Scientist of Wireless Technologies,
China Mobile Research Institute, CMCC
Takehiro Moriya, Research Fellow & Direcor,
NTT Fellow, Moriya Research Lab
ASC 2017 will be held in December 12-15, 2017,
in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysis [posted
on 30 Dec 2016]
Distinguished Lectures: [posted
on 13 Oct 2016]
Waleed H. Abdulla, The University of Auckland
Title: Audio Watermarking for Digital
Media Copyrights Protection
Time: 9 December 2016
Venue: School of Electrical and Electronic
Engineering, College of Engineering, Yonsei
University, Seoul |
Newsletter - Issue 13 [posted
on 5 Oct 2016]
is a technical sponsor of IEEE ICME
2017 [posted
on 15 Sept 2016]
has now been accepted for inclusion in the Emerging
Sources Citation Index (ESCI). This is a new database
in the Web of Science Core Collection from Thomson
Reuters. ESCI complements other Thomson Reuters
indexes by providing earlier visibility for sources
under evaluation as part of the Science Citation
Index (SCI). We are still awaiting an answer on
our initial application made to the SCI and we will
try to obtain an answer from Thomson Reuters as
soon as possible. Just to be clear, inclusion in
the ESCI does not mean that the journal is included
in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) - the database
that leads to a journal being given an impact factor.
What it does mean, however, is that the journal
is now more discoverable, which will hopefully lead
to more citations, thus strengthening our case for
inclusion in the SCI and JCR. ATSIP papers published
from 2016 onwards will now be included in the ESCI.
information on the ESCI can be found here:
on 4 Aug 2016]
Newsletter - Issue 12 [posted
on 8 July 2016]
Distinguished Lectures: [posted
on 3 June 2016]
- Speaker:
Prof. Nobuaki Minematsu, The University of Tokyo
Title: Speech structure and its application
to speech processing
Time: 13:30-15:00, 3 June 2016 (Friday)
Venue: MERL, Boston, USA
Local host: Dr. Shinji Watanabe
- Speaker:
Prof. Nobuaki Minematsu, The University of Tokyo
Title: OJAD and its use for practical prosody
training of Japanese
Time: 9:00-12:30, 4 June 2016 (Saturday)
Venue: Boston University, Boston, USA
Local host: Dr. Emi Yamanaka
Lecturers for 2016-2017: [posted
on 26 April 2016]
Cheng, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Gene Cheung, National Institute of Informatics,
Chih-Tsung Huang, National Tsinghua University,
Zhu Li, University of Missouri, USA
Jiaying Liu, Peking University, China
Chia-Hung Yeh, National Sun Yat-Sen University,
Jiangtao Wen, Tsinghua University, China
Industrial Governance Board [posted
on 26 April 2016]
Chair - VP
of Industrial Relations and Development
Shan Liu, MediaTek, USA (Chair)
Past-Chair - VP of Industrial Relations and Development
Haohong Wang, TCL Research America, USA
Publication Committee
Guan-Ming Su, Dolby Labs, USA (Chair)
Ning Xu, Snapchat Research, USA
Ming Xia, LinkedIn, USA
Yang Lei, HP, USA
Harshad Kadu, Dolby Labs, USA
I-Ming Pao, Adobe, USA
Yuebing Jiang, Apple, USA
Forum Committee
Ioannis Katsavounidis, Netflix, USA (Chair)
Tong Zhang, HP Labs, USA (Past-Chair)
Anne Aaron, Netflix, USA
Khaled El-Maleh, Qualcomm, USA
José Roberto Alvarez, Futurewei Technologies,
Jin-Gyeong Kim, LG, Korea
Anil Kokaram, YouTube/Google, USA
Membership Committee
Shinji Watanabe, MERL, USA (Chair)
Shan Liu, MediaTek, USA (Past-Chair)
Ying Li, IBM, USA
Masami Akamine, Toshiba, Japan
Takafumi Koshinaka, NEC, Japan
Jim Zhao, Huawei, USA
Yan Ye, InterDigital, USA
Hiroshi Sawada, NTT Communication Science Labs,
Michiel Bachiani, Google, USA
- APSIPA becomes
a co-sponsor of SIDAS
2016. [posted
on 18 April 2016]
Newsletter - Issue 11 [posted
on 2 April 2016]
- All papers in the
APSIPA ASC 2015 Conference Proceedings are now accessible
in IEEE Xplore and the APSIPA website here.
[posted on 9 Mar 2016]
ASC 2016 will be held in December 13-16, 2016,
in Jeju, South Korea [posted
on 8 Jan 2016]
- Year
2015 APSIPA Industrial Distinguished Leaders [posted
on 6 Jan 2016]
Chen, VP, Telcordia, USA
Lawrance Loh, President, MediaTek USA Inc., USA
Nikhil Balram, President & CEO, Ricoh Innovations,
Yasunori Mochizuki, VP, NEC, Japan
Yi Hao, CEO, GWC, China
- The
newly elected members are as follows: [posted
on 12 Dec 2015]
VP Conferences: Prof Thomas Fang Zheng
2) VP Industrial Relations and Development: Prof
Shan Liu
3) VP Member Relations and Development: Prof Kin-Man
Lam, Kenneth
4) VP Publications: Prof Tatsuya Kawahara
5) VP Technical Activities: Prof Anthony Kuh
1) Mrityunjoy Chakraborty
2) Homer H. Chen
3) Hsueh-Ming Hang
4) Yoshinobu Kajikawa
5) Kazuya Takeda
6) Toshihisa Tanaka
- Call
for Nominations of Members-at-Large for the Board
of Governors (BoG Members) [posted
on 31 Oct 2015]
to APSIPA Bylaws, BoG Members are elected by direct
vote of the voting Members of the Association. One
third of BoG Members will be elected annually. Current
BoG Members who are completing their first term
can stand for second term re-election. In 2015,
6 BoG Members will complete their term of service
2013-2015. APSIPA now calls for nomination of BoG
Members from all members of the Association. We
will elect 6 BoG Members, the four nominees who
receive the highest number of votes will serve for
a term of 3 years (2016-2018) while the next two
will serve for a term of 1 year (2016).
Board would like to take this opportunity to thank
Kiyoharu Aizawa and Anthony Kuh who have served
as BoG Members for two terms. They will retire as
BoG Members by end of 2015. The Board would also
like to thank Mrityunjoy Chakraborty, Homer Chen,
Hsueh-Ming Hang and Tomoaki Ohtsuki for having served
as BoG Members for their first term. They are eligible
for re-election.
submit your nomination form to the Secretary Bonnie
Law at email: ennflaw@polyu.edu.hk
by 15 November 2015. The election is supervised
by the Award and Election Committee chaired by the
Past-President Prof. C.C. Jay Kuo. The nominees
must be members of the Association who have agreed
to serve if elected. Next is the timeline of election.
Nomination Period: 11/1-11/15
2) Election Period: 11/16-11/30
3) Announcement: 11/30
By nominating a candidate, you can help APSIPA to
continue to advance its mission to promote broad
spectrum of research and education activities in
signal and information processing in Asia Pacific.
With a strategic plan and many new initiatives on
the horizon, APSIPA needs and welcomes the enthusiastic
participation of its members to become BoG Members
to lead the efforts.
click here to download nominations form)
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