APSIPA Transactions on Signal and Information Processing
Open-access e-only journal in partnership with NOW Publishers:
The Journal serves as an international forum for signal and
information processing researchers across a broad spectrum of
research, ranging from traditional modalities of signal processing to
emerging areas where either (i) processing reaches higher semantic
levels (e.g., from speech/image recognition to multimodal human behaviour
recognition) or (ii) processing is meant to extract information from
datasets that are not traditionally considered signals (e.g., mining
of Internet or sensor information).
A list of the A-TSIP papers, categorized according to their research areas, is available here for free download.
Merit of this Journal:
Open access: free, permanent, worldwide access to your article
Rapid publication: continuous publication immediately after acceptance
Peer reviewed by international experts, first review within 3 months
Flat USD 1,000 processing fee: free color, no overlength page charges
Papers indexed by Scopus, EI and
ESCI, searchable on the Web of Science
Papers linked on Google Scholar http://goo.gl/xWHRsf
State-of-the-art platform of NOW Publishers
Express White Papers makes it easier for authors of accepted
conference papers to convert their submissions into journal paper
submissions. After a prompt review of a conference paper and a white
paper, an assessment of whether the planned submission has a good
chance to be accepted will be provided.
APSIPA Sadaoki Furui Prize Paper Award
is awarded at APSIPA ASC each year based on selection from the
papers published in the preceding five years. Nominations with
supporting comments should be sent to Editor in Chief or
VP-Publications, who co-chair the Award Commitee by August 1.
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