Governance Documents

Governance Documents, which includes:

Article 1 - Name and Residence
The name of the association is "Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association (APSIPA)". The Association is registered in Hong Kong.
Article 2 - Mission
Mission - APSIPA is a non-profit organization with the following objectives:
  • providing education, research and development exchange platforms for both academia and industry
  • organizing common-interest activities for researchers and practitioners
  • facilitating collaboration with region-specific focuses and promoting leadership for worldwide events
  • disseminating research results and educational material via publications, presentations, and electronic media
  • offering personal and professional career opportunities with development information and networking
Article 3 - Field of Interest
The field of interest of APSIPA concerns all aspects of signals and information including processing, recognition, classification, communications, networking, computing, system design, security, implementation, and technology with applications to scientific, engineering, health, and social areas.
Article 4 - Membership
4.1 Individual members are those who have paid individual membership dues. APSIPA supports three types of individual membership: full membership, student membership, and life membership.
  • All members are entitled to equal rights and privileges, except that student members are not entitled to vote.
  • Any member who fails to pay his/her membership dues will have their membership revoked accordingly.
4.2 APSIPA also supports a form of institutional membership termed a "Patron membership" if an institution, organization, company, or laboratory pays the Patron membership fee. A patron can participate in the Patron Forum and enjoy the networking and programs offered by APSIPA.
4.3 Local chapters shall have the authority to recommend individuals who have actively participated in local chapter activities for associate membership. The associate membership shall be valid for the duration of the calendar year in which the local chapter submits a comprehensive list of associate members to the APSIPA headquarters. Associate members shall be entitled to participate in the APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference (ASC) at the member rate; however, they shall not have the right to vote in any APSIPA matters.
Article 5 - Officers and Board of Governors
5.1 The Board of Governors (BoG) consists of Officers and Members-at-Large. All members of BoG must be members of the Association. There are twelve Members-at-Large, and the Officers are:
  • President
  • President-Elect
  • Past-President
  • Vice President - Conferences
  • Vice President - Industrial Relations and Development
  • Vice President - Institutional Relations and Education Program
  • Vice President - Member Relations and Development
  • Vice President - Publications
  • Vice President - Technical Activities
5.2 Election
5.2.1 Members-at-Large of the BoG are elected by direct vote of the voting Members of the Association. The officers are elected by the BoG.
  • One-third of the total (12) Members-at-Large will be elected annually.
  • The term of a Member-at-Large is three years.
  • All officers have two-year terms.
  • No more than three Members-at-Large shall come from the same country.
If there is a need to secure the balance or diversity in the BoG in terms of gender, geographical regions, and research areas, an additional member can be nominated by the President and approved by the BoG for a one-year term.

5.2.2 Eligibility for Re-election
  • Vice Presidents may be elected to the same office for no more than two consecutive terms.
  • Members-at-large may be elected for no more than two consecutive terms.
5.3 Officer Responsibilities
  • The President manages all aspects of the Association and represents the Association, whether internally or externally, to promote and protect the interests of the Association and its members.
  • The President-Elect is the Treasurer of the Association. He/she is also in charge of long-term planning.
  • The Past-President is in charge of awards, nominations and elections. He/she chairs the Award and Election Board.
5.3.1 Vice Presidents are accountable to the President for their areas of responsibility.
5.3.2 Vice President - Conferences is responsible for all aspects of technical conferences, workshops, and professional meetings, including conference publications, and co-sponsoring of existing meetings. He/she chairs the Conference Board.
5.3.3 Vice President - Industrial Relations and Development is responsible for developing industrial patrons, industry forum and networking, and outreach to industry. He/she chairs the Industry Board and Forum.
5.3.4 Vice President - Institutional Relations and Education Program is responsible for developing institutional patrons and building relations with existing agencies, societies, and associations within each affiliated country. He/she is also responsible for developing educational programs to meet the needs and demands of different regions and members. He/she chairs the Institution Board and Forum.
5.3.5 Vice President - Member Relations and Development is responsible for programs related to members, branches, membership development, and marketing, and fostering a strong international presence. He/she chairs the Branch and Membership Board.
5.3.6 Vice President - Publications is responsible for all activities related to print and electronic products, such as journals, magazines, and on-line offerings. He/she chairs the Publications Board.
5.3.7 Vice President - Technical Activities is responsible for overseeing the technical committees and their technical activities. He/she chairs the Technical Activities Board.

5.4 Board of Governors Meetings
5.4.1 The BoG must hold one formal meeting annually. Special BoG meetings may be held at the request of the President or four members of the BoG. A majority of the voting members of the BoG constitutes a quorum. When a quorum is present, a majority vote is necessary to pass motions.
5.4.2 Business may be conducted by means other than formally held meetings when the matter can be adequately handled via letter, electronic ballot, conference call, or electronic mail interchange, etc.

5.5 Executive Committee (EXCOM)
Between formal and special BoG meetings, business will be managed by the EXCOM consisting of all the officers. Actions of EXCOM must be ratified by the BoG in its next meeting.
5.6 Operations
5.6.1 Minutes of each BoG and EXCOM meeting will be distributed to the BoG within 30 days of the meeting.
5.6.2 Members of the BoG and EXCOM must receive notice of formal meetings no less than 30 days prior to the scheduled date.
5.6.3 If a quorum is not present at a duly called BoG or EXCOM meeting, actions may be formulated but are not effective until ratified by letter, electronic mail, or conference call. A majority vote of that specific body with the quorum is required for ratification. Approved decisions will be recorded in the minutes of that meeting.
5.6.4 Business at Association meetings shall be conducted according to Robert's Rules of Order (latest revision).
5.6.5 The BoG may relieve volunteers in appointed/assigned positions of their responsibilities.
Article 6 - Technical Committees

6.1 Technical Committees are established to promote and achieve the technical objectives of the Association. Technical Committees may be created, merged, or dissolved by resolution of the BoG.

6.2 The Chair of a new Technical Committee is appointed for two years by the Vice President - Technical Activities with the approval of the President. During this period a mentor is assigned to the committee by the Vice President - Technical Activities. Subsequently, the Chair will be elected by members of the Technical Committee.

6.3 Elections for Technical Committee Chairs are held every two years for a two-year term. A Chair cannot serve more than two consecutive terms of office.

6.4 General policies and procedures are provided to guide technical committees and may be modified for the individual technical committee with approval of the Vice President - Technical Activities. Policies must include officer positions and election procedures.

6.5 Each Technical Committee will have a technical scope that may be modified when appropriate, upon approval of the Vice President - Technical Activities and with consent of the BoG.

Article 7 - Budget and Finance
7.1 Each year the Treasurer is responsible for the development of the annual budget which must be approved by the BoG.

7.2 The Treasurer monitors revenues and expenses, providing periodical review of the Association finances and recommends adjustments needed to ensure financial stability. A complete financial report is presented by the Treasurer annually.

7.3 The Treasurer will follow orderly procedures for disbursement of funds, providing sufficient checks and balances and appropriate record keeping. A budgeted expenditure requires no further approval beyond approval of the Treasurer.

7.4 The Treasurer will cooperate with Association officials to carry out financial audits when requested. The results of these audits will be presented to the BoG.
Article 8 - Regional and Local Branches
Each country, region, or local area, can establish a branch, provided they have a minimum of 10 members with the approval of Vice President - Member Relations and Development. A branch shall elect a chair and promise to comply with APSIPA Policies and Rules.
Article 9 -Conferences and Workshops
9.1 To accomplish the mission and objectives of APSIPA, an annual flagship conference called APSIPA Summit shall be held during the fall, where the conference, workshops, institution forum, industry forum, BoG meeting, standing boards and committees meetings shall take place.

9.2 APSIPA shall also financially sponsor other conferences and workshops of interest to its members. All the financially sponsored conferences and workshops shall comply the policies and rules of APSIPA.

9.3 All conferences and workshops proposals shall be approved by Conference Board and overseen by Vice President - Conferences. To ensure sound financial stability, each conference/workshop shall budget a 10% profit margin. After each conference/workshop, financial audit shall take place. The organizers of the hosting local branches shall retain 25% final profit for branch activities and development, and the rest shall return to the Treasurer of APSIPA.

9.4 APSIPA shall also technically sponsor conferences and workshops, determined by quality, interest, and strategic alliance as perceived by its members. All such requests shall be reviewed and approved by Conference Board.
Article 10 - Adoption, Modification, and Amendment of Bylaws

The Bylaws shall be constantly modified and amended via the growth of the Association, in charge by the President. A Bylaws modification and/or amendment shall be thoroughly reviewed and approved with majority 2/3 votes by EXCOM, which shall bring for the approval of BoG in the annual BoG meeting with majority 2/3 votes.


APSIPA Advisory Board (AAB) Charter

This Charter was approved by APSIPA BoG on 14 May 2019

1. AAB Composition, Nomination, Election and Appointment

  1. The AAB should consist of at most 6 members.
  2. The AAB members should be nominated and elected by the APSIPA BoG among APSIPA members.
  3. The AAB members should serve in a renewable 3-year term, starting 1 January of the year, without a maximum of two consecutive terms.
  4. The AAB nomination and election should be conducted no later than 1 November and 1 December, respectively. APSIPA President should announce AAB appointments no later than 15 December.

2. AAB Responsibilities

  1. The AAB should offer advice to APSIPA BoG officers and Long-Term Planning Committee on areas to improve the effectiveness of ongoing programs, and strengthen the association's role in serving the technical communities in the Asia Pacific region.
  2. The AAB should actively participate in APSIPA's outreach program to extend its regional and international networks, including nomination of Distinguished Lecturers and the development of Friends of APSIPA Laboratories.
  3. The AAB members should serve as APSIPA ambassadors to promote the growth of membership and the association.
  4. The AAB members shall have voting privileges and the same obligations as BoG members.


APSIPA Membership Board (AMB) Guideline
This guideline was approved by the APSIPA BoG on February 9, 2014

1. AMB Composition, Nomination, Election and Appointment
(a) The AMB should consist of a Chair and no more than 20 members.
(b) The AMB Chair is the APSIPA VP-Member Relations and Development.
(c) The Chair can appoint one of the members as the AMB secretary with a renewable 1-year term.
(d) Up to 10 new AMB members should be appointed every year to replace outgoing members, to ensure continuity.
(e) The AMB members should be current APSIPA members or e-members, and should be nominated by the AMB Chair and approved by the APSIPA BoG.
(f) The AMB members should serve a renewable 2-year term, starting 1 January of the year, with a maximum of two consecutive terms.
(g) The AMB member nomination and approval should be conducted no later than 15 November and 1 December, respectively. APSIPA President should announce AMB appointments no later than 15 December.
(h) The AMB should reflect APSIPA membership demographics and APSIPA's geographical outreach.

2. AMB Responsibilities
(a) The AMB should report to the APSIPA Board of Governors (BoG).
(b) The AMB should actively promote APSIPA to all researchers and academics in the fields of signal and information processing.
(c) The AMB should actively organize APSIPA activities for the benefit of APSIPA members and e-members.
(d) The AMB should actively promote APSIPA membership and e-membership.
(e) The AMB should submit an annual report to the APSIPA BoG and President before the APSIPA Annual Summit.


APSIPA Social Net Committee (ASNC) Guideline
This guideline was approved by the APSIPA BoG on February 9, 2014

1. ASNC Composition and Appointment
(a) The ASNC should consist of a Chair, a Secretary and no more than 20 members.
(b) The ASNC should report to the APSIPA Membership Board.
(c) The ASNC members should be current APSIPA members or e-members, and should be nominated and elected by the APSIPA Membership Board.
(d) The ASNC Chair, Secretary and members should be appointed by the APSIPA VP-Member Relations and Development.
(e) The ASNC should have at least one member from each of the APSIPA Technical Committees, and at least one member from the APSIPA Newsletter Board.
(f) Up to 10 new ASNC members should be appointed every year to replace outgoing members, to ensure continuity.
(g) The ASNC members should serve a renewable 2-year term, starting 1 January of the year, with a maximum of two consecutive terms.
The ASNC members should be recruited and approved by the APSIPA Membership Board.

2. ASNC Responsibilities
(a) The ASNC should actively provide useful contents to the APSIPA Social Net, such as LinkedIn, so as to benefit APSIPA members and e-members.
(b) The ASNC should actively disseminate APSIPA activities to all members and e-members.
(c) The ASNC should actively promote APSIPA membership and e-membership.
(d) The ASNC should submit an annual report to the APSIPA BoG and President before the APSIPA Annual Summit.


APSIPA Industrial Governance Board (IGB) Guideline
Date: April 14, 2014

1. IGB Composition, Nomination and Appointment
(a) The IGB consists of a Chair and no more than 100 members. All IGB members shall be APSIPA full or e-members.
(b) The IGB Chair is the APSIPA VP-Industrial Relations and Development.
(c) The IGB members serve in three committees: Industrial Publication Committee (IPC), Industrial Forum Committee (IFC) and Industrial Membership Committee (IMC).
(d) The IGB Chair appoints IPC, IFC and IMC Chair/Co-Chairs.
(e) The IPC, IFC and IMC Chair/Co-Chairs nominate their respective committee members to the IGB Chair for approval and appointment.
(f) The IGB member nomination every year shall be conducted by no later than November 15, and the approval and appointment process shall be completed by December 1.
(g) For each committee, 10-15 committee members shall be appointed every year to replace outgoing members to ensure continuity.
(h) The IGB shall reflect the leading industries in APSIPA related areas, and consider APSIPA's geographical outreach. Each committee shall avoid having more than two (2) members from the same company.
(i) The IGB members shall serve a renewable 2-year term, starting January 1 of the year, with a maximum of two consecutive terms.

2. IGB Responsibilities
(a) The IGB reports to the APSIPA Board of Governors (BoG).
(b) The IGB shall promote APSIPA to all industrial communities in relevant fields.
(c) The IGB shall recruit senior corporate executives in relevant fields to become APSIPA Distinguished Industrial Leaders (DIL) to offer visionary talks and/or articles.
(d) The IGB shall organize activities to benefit APSIPA industrial members.
(e) The IGB will be in charge of the nomination and election of the APSIPA Fellow of the Industrial Executive Category under the supervision of the APSIPA Fellow Committee Chair.
(f) The IGB shall form an advisory board formed by the APSIPA Fellows of the Industrial Executive Category and offer them platforms and opportunities to interact with APSIPA members.
(g) The IGB shall submit an annual report to the APSIPA BoG and President before the APSIPA Annual Summit.

3. Responsibilities of Committees
(a) The responsibilities of IPC are to create Column/Special Issues in APSIPA related journals, newsletters, social networks, video interviews for Industrial members to communicate and invite APSIPA Distinguished Industrial Leaders to give visionary thoughts. IPC shall work with the VP-Publications and the Social Network Committee Chair in conducting these responsibilities.
(b) The responsibilities of IFC are to create speaking opportunities in APSIPA related conferences, meetings, seminars, forums and web communities for Industrial members and invite APSIPA Distinguished Industrial Leaders to give visionary talks. IFC shall work with the VP-Conferences in conducting these responsibilities.
(c) The responsibilities of IMC are to recruit and engage APSIPA industrial members and promote APSIPA events and activities in the industrial community. IMC shall work with the VP-member relations and development in conducting these responsibilities.


Guidelines for managing APSIPA conferences/symposiums/workshops
1. Conference Committee (CC)

Composition of the CC:
1. VP (Conferences), chair of the committee
2. Current President
3. Immediate Past President
4. One General Chair (or General Co-Chair) of a past Annual Summit and Conference (ASC)
5. One TPC Chair (or TPC Co-Chair) of a past Annual Summit and Conference (ASC)
6. Two members from BoG
7. Director or his/her representative from HQ (nonvoting), secretary.

The committee is chaired by the VP (conferences). The President is an official member, who may ask one of the BoG members to sit on the CC on his behalf.

Responsibilities of the CC:
CC has the following responsibilities: (i) to evaluate and to recommend ASC proposals for final approval by the BoG, (ii) to ensure proper progress and preparation of the approved ASC, and (iii) to approve joint conferences with other institutions.

CC meeting:
The CC should meet once annually during the ASC. Discussions/decisions may also be made via the Internet conference chaired by VP (Conferences).

2. Conference Approval Procedure for ASC
VP (Conferences) has the following responsibilities: (i) to issue the Call-for-Proposal for ASC, (ii) to collect proposals and to make initial analysis, (iii) to determine if each proposal is good enough for discussion in CC. Matters to be considered in relationship to the judgment include (a) appropriateness of the city, (b) the organizing committee, (c) the convention place, (d) accommodations, (e) transportation, (f) conference dates, (g) budget, and (h) others.

3. Conference Budget for ASC
A brief budget must be submitted together with the proposal during the application. A surplus is expected for the APSIPA headquarter. The proposal should also spell out if any seed money is required.

After the proposal is approved, a detailed budget must be submitted to the President-Elect. A contract will then be signed between the President and the General Chair of the ASC.

Seed money for conferences: Seed money of no more than 10% of the budget may be provided. Seed money cannot be considered as part of the income of a conference, and it has to be returned to the Headquarters immediately after the conference. Since this is a new association, very little or even no seed money will be provided for the initial three ASCs. On the other hand, the 10% figure may be increased to 20% after some years of the operations of the Association. For any operation that falls outside these guidelines, the President-Elect must report to the President for its final approval.

4. Joint conferences with other institutions
There are two types of joint events:
(i) Joint events without financial implications ¡V These are to be determined and approved by the VP (Conferences). The VP (Conferences) also has to make decision whether the case needs discussion among members of the CC and/or the BoG. Since these will involve no financial commitment, most of the reasonable collaborations should be approved.

Advantages to the APSIPA:
(a) this helps publicity;
(b) this can allow a discount for APSIPA members to attend these conferences/events.

Advantages to our partners:
(a) it helps publicize the conference (by the conference organizers themselves, and by the Headquarters making use of our database, etc.);
(b) it may attract more paper submissions and attendees.

(ii) Joint events with financial implications - These should be assessed on a case-by-case basis. A balance account should be expected at the end of the events. Especially, at the initial operation of the Association, no subsidy is expected from the APSIPA, while if possible, some surplus would be expected as part of the income for APSIPA.

(a) For events with small financial implications (say, with a loan less than US$1,500), this can be approved by VP (Conferences)1 in consultation with President-Elect2. The President must be informed on or before the approval.
(b) For a proposal with a large financial implication (say, with a loan more than US$1,500), the VP (Conferences)1 should work with President-Elect2 to come up with a proposal to be approved by the President.

The loans and the agreed portion of surplus should be returned to the Headquarters immediately after the events.

1With conference board members.
2To check and to give advice on financial implications.


APSIPA Sadaoki Furui Prize Paper Award Guideline
  1. Name and number of the Award: APSIPA awards ONE APSIPA Sadaoki Furui Prize Paper Award selected each year from the APSIPA Transactions.

  2. Award Committee:
    a. The Award Committee is co-chaired by the VP of Publications and the EiC of the APSIPA Transactions.
    b. The Award Committee includes THREE elected members, who are nominated by members of the BoG, Advisory Board and APSIPA Transactions Editorial Board. They are elected by the BoG. Each member has a term of two years, and can serve up to two consecutive terms.
    c. The Award Committee is in charge of collecting nominations and selecting an award candidate from nominations received.

  3. Nomination and Awarding Process:
    a. The nominated paper should be published on the APSIPA Transactions within a FIVE-year window ending at the end of the previous calendar year.
    b. The Award Committee accepts nominations from the general public, including members and non-members of APSIPA. The deadline for nominations is August 1
    c. The Award Committee selects a candidate for recommendation to the BoG by September 1.
    d. After approval by the BoG, the award recipient is announced on October 1.
    e. The award is granted during the APSIPA ASC.

  4. This Guideline is approved and revised if necessary by the BoG.

APSIPA Transactions on Signal and Information Processing (TSIP) Editorial Board Guideline
  1. Editor-in-Chief (EiC)
    a. Editor-in-Chief (EiC) is responsible for all editorial processes of TSIP, and works closely with the Publisher and the VP of Publications.
    b. EiC candidate is elected by EiC Election Committee, which is chaired by VP of Publications and consists of APSIPA President, President-Elect, current EiC and immediate past EiC. The EiC Election Committee accepts nominations from the members of APSIPA, and selects a candidate for recommendation to the BoG. After approval by the BoG, a new EiC is appointed.
    c. EiC has a term of TWO years, and can serve up to TWO consecutive terms.
    d. EiC must submit an annual report in the BoG meeting.

  2. Editorial Board (EB)
    a. Editorial Board members have commitment to the editorial processes of TSIP; they are in charge of the paper review process and they should contribute to the growth of TSIP.
    b. New EB members are nominated by EiC and current EB members, and appointed by EiC.
    c. EB members have a term of TWO years, and can be re-appointed by EiC.

  3. Advisory Board
    a. Advisory Board gives advices to EiC and EB.
    b. APSIPA President, President-Elect and immediate past EiC are ex-officio members of the Advisory Board, and other members are nominated and appointed by EiC.

  4. Editorial Board Meeting
    a. Editorial Board meeting is to be held in APSIPA ASC annually and chaired by EiC.
    b. All EB members are invited as voting members, and all Advisory Board members are invited as non-voting members.

  5. This Guideline has been approved and any further modification must be approved by the BoG.

APSIPA Newsletter Editorial Board Guideline
  1. Editor-in-Chief (EiC)
    a. Editor-in-Chief (EiC) is responsible for all editorial processes of the APSIPA Newsletters, and will manage the APSIPA Newsletters under the direction of the APSIPA President.
    b. After the terms of the current EiC are completed, the new EiC will be succeeded by the Vice EiC.
    c. EiC has a term of TWO years, and can serve up to TWO consecutive terms.
    d. EiC should manage to publish four to six issues of the Newsletter a year, and must submit an annual report in the BoG meeting.

  2. Vice Editor-in-Chief (Vice EiC)
    a. Vice Editor-in-Chief (Vice EiC) should work closely with EiC to manage the publication of four to six issues a year.
    b. Vice EiC candidate is elected by Vice EiC Election Committee, which is chaired by VP of Publications and consists of APSIPA President, President-Elect, current EiC and immediate past EiC. The Vice EiC Election Committee accepts nominations from the members of APSIPA, and selects a candidate for recommendation to the BoG. After approval by the BoG, a new EiC is appointed.
    c. Vice EiC has a term of TWO years, and can serve up to TWO consecutive terms. Vice EiC will become EiC when the terms of service of EiC are completed.

  3. Editorial Board (EB)
    a. Editorial Board members have a commitment to the editorial processes of APSIPA Newsletters. Under the arrangement of the EiC/Vice EiC, they must be in charge of some of the content of the Newsletter and should assist EiC in publishing Newsletters.
    b. New EB members are nominated by EiC and current EB members, and appointed by EiC.
    b. EB members have a term of TWO years, and can be re-appointed by EiC.

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